......Study tips and inspirationTop 20 study materials of 2023
Top 20 study materials of 2023

It's time to look back at the most popular study materials for OET Test candidates in 2023!

We have a wide range of preparation resources available on the OET website, including courses, videos, blogs, guides and more. Explore the list of our top 20 study materials for 2023 below and start your 2024 preparation journey now. 


1. Free sample tests

As always, our free OET sample tests were the most popular resource for 2023. You can find sample tests for all sub-tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), all professions, and in both paper and computer format on our website. These tests are a great way to get to know the test format, question types, and to review transcripts and sample answers.


2. The OET Test Study Guide (PDF)

Since its creation, the OET Test Study Guide has helped many candidates prepare for the assessment. You can download the guide to learn about the OET Test, explore free resources, discover our preparation providers, and more, all in one place. 


3. Intro to the OET Test - online course

Over 14,000 people have enrolled in our Intro to OET course since we launched in early 2023. And the feedback has been very positive:

‘This course was amazing. It helped me to fully understand the OET and how it works!’

Intro to OET is designed to kickstart your preparation with useful tips, strategies and resources. Choose from Intro to OET for Nursing, Medicine or Allied Health.


4. OET Preparation Providers

If you want to study with a teacher, you can find qualified professionals who have completed teacher training with OET on OET preparation providers page.


5. The OET Blog

From language tips to study techniques, the OET Blog contains valuable information to help you prepare for the OET Test.


6. Speaking | Clinical Communication Mini Course

Our Clinical Communication Mini Course is another popular preparation resource that was launched in 2023. It is designed to boost your scores in OET Speaking and improve your communication skills at work with short, fun, interactive lessons.


7. OET Writing Guide (PDF)

The OET Writing Guide is the ultimate guide to the Writing sub-test, containing a detailed explanation of each criterion and how you can achieve the best result in your letter. 


8. OET Study Sprint

Over 2000 enthusiastic participants joined our OET Study Sprint in September. The Study Sprint is a 2-week intensive study program that guided candidates through our best preparation resources. Even if you missed the event, you can still download the Study Sprint Schedule and do your own Sprint when it suits you.


9. Reading Week

OET Reading Week was a hit in 2023. Over five days, our OET expert, Rebecca, ran five webinars using a new sample test (Sample Test 5) to talk through skills, strategies and common errors to avoid. You can review the Reading Week sessions in our YouTube Playlist here: OET Reading Week 2023


10. OET Pulse

Check your current English level with OET Pulse – a preparation tool to help you understand where you’re at in terms of test readiness and what you need to improve on. As well as scores, Pulse gives you recommended resources to get you OET ready.


11. OET Skills Courses

Launched mid-2023, our new online preparation courses have been extremely popular with candidates who want to focus on particular sub-tests. Our Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing Skills Courses are self-paced and allow you to study anytime, on any device. Each course contains language and skill-building activities as well as plenty of new practice tasks.


12. How to succeed in Listening Part A and Reading Part A (videos)

In our popular videos, How to succeed in OET Listening Part A, and How to succeed in OET Reading Part A, we cover the dos and don’ts for these parts of the test. These two should be on your ‘must watch’ list!


13. On-demand lessons (YouTube)

To make studying easier for you, we’ve organised all our live lesson recordings into playlists on the Official OET YouTube channel. Practise when it suits you with expert OET teachers. Find the playlists here:

Listening Lessons

Reading Lessons

Speaking Lessons

Writing Lessons


14. Listening Week

In this series of five live sessions, Rebecca uses a new sample test from the OET website to talk through strategies for success and common errors to avoid in the OET Listening sub-test.


15. Guided Practice – Listening and Reading (videos)

If you want a helping hand through a complete sample test, these videos are for you. Join Rebecca as she takes your through Sample Test 4 for Listening and Reading, sharing tips and strategies to help you ace your test.


16. OET Store

The OET Store has preparation courses, books, eBooks and resources for every test profession to help you prepare for your test. 


17.Test Day Guides

To help calm your test-day nerves, we have comprehensive Test Day Guides for OET on paper, OET on computer and OET@Home, which cover what you can expect on the day. 


18. OET Speaking Guides (PDFs)

Learn about the Speaking sub-test’s criteria, the speaking skills you need to demonstrate, and discover how to improve with real candidate role play samples. The Ultimate Guide to OET Speaking - Part 1 and Part 2 cover both the linguistic and clinical communication criteria in-depth so that you’re prepared on test day.


19. OET Trainers

These two new books have been popular with candidates looking for guidance and extra practice tests. OET Trainer – Nursing and OET Trainer – Medicine are available in the OET Store.


20. OET Practice Books

Another popular book rounds out our top 20 resources for the year. In the OET Store, find the OET Practice Book for your profession in either digital or hard copy.


Are you OET ready? Book your test now!