
Collection notice

The OET Test and associated products are owned and operated by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Pty Ltd (ACN 159 885 257) (CBLA). CBLA respects your privacy. It is important you read and understand the OET Terms & Conditions and the OET Privacy Policy, which describes in further detail how we will collect, use and disclose your personal information.

The personal information you provide to us will be used to create and manage your account, register and schedule your OET Test, administer the OET Test, OET Pulse or any OET Ready preparation course, process the results, provide result verification services, provide candidate support services, inform any relevant preparation providers, recruiters, prospective employers and any other organisations involved in your recruitment or language training of your progress towards the OET and performance in the OET Test or OET Pulse, and provide you with information on other products and services we provide (the Purposes). Any sensitive information you provide will only be used and disclosed to verify your identity and make arrangements for your OET Test in connection with the Purposes.

In connection with the Purposes, we may disclose your personal information to our test delivery partners who operate our test venues, preparation providers who assist in your preparation for the OET Test, recognising organisations, prospective employers, organisations involved in your recruitment or language training and third party service providers who assist us in the operation and administration of the OET Test and related products and services. Some of those third parties are located overseas, including in the UK, US, India, Japan and Egypt.

If you use a token, coupon or other code provided to you by a recruiter or recruitment training provider to access a product or service offered by CBLA, your personal information may be shared with that recruiter or recruitment training provider, and any prospective employer who engaged that recruiter. This includes your OET Pulse results, progress in any OET Ready preparation course and OET Test results.

Our Privacy Policy provides further information about accessing and correcting your personal information, how to make a complaint about how we handle your personal information and our complaints handling process. If you do not provide any information requested or do not agree to the collection, transfer, processing, use and storage of your personal information in accordance with this Collection Notice and our Privacy Policy, CBLA will not be able to register your account or book an OET Test.

You acknowledge that by submitting this registration form that you are expressly consenting to CBLA collecting and processing your personal information (including your test responses, video and audio recordings and assessment results) in accordance with this Collection Notice and our Privacy Policy, and that such consent is effective until and unless you affirmatively withdraw that consent in writing to CBLA. You also confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and authorised to make this consent.