......Study tips and inspirationWhat's the best way to prepare for the OET Test?
What's the best way to prepare for the OET Test?


Preparing for the OET Test can seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can achieve the results you need. Here are some thorough and practical steps to help you get ready for the OET Test and succeed on test day. 


1. Start early 

Regardless of your current level of English, starting your preparation early is crucial. The OET Test is a high-stakes English test, meaning your results will be used by organisations that require the highest levels of security and validity. Successful candidates will be responsible for the health and safety of patients, so thorough preparation is essential. 

Think of the OET Test like your driving test. You wouldn't consider booking your driving test until you felt confident you could perform all the required manoeuvres and drive safely in various conditions. Similarly, you need to give yourself time to prepare for the different parts of the OET Test. Even though the test context might be familiar, assuming you can pass without preparation is risky. Imagine taking a driving test in a car with controls on the opposite side; you’d still need to practise and familiarise yourself with the new setup. 

To help you get started, check out the free "Intro to OET" courses available through the OET store. 


2. Be realistic with yourself 

It's essential to be realistic about how long your preparation will take. Succeeding on the OET Test can be life-changing, and while it's natural to want to achieve your goals quickly, you need to assess your current skills honestly. 

You can start by taking OET Pulse, a short test that assesses your listening, reading and language knowledge. When you take Pulse, you receive your score instantly and an email with guidance on how to best prepare for the OET Test, based on your results.  

You can also take a sample test available on the OET website and mark your answers for the Listening and Reading sample tests using the provided answer key. If you can, seek feedback on your writing and speaking from an English teacher or a friend with expert-level English proficiency. 

Pause and evaluate your results. How close are they to the required scores? This self-assessment will give you a clear idea of where you stand and how much work you need to do. 


3. Know your weaknesses 

Identifying your strengths is good, but knowing your weaknesses is crucial. As you review your wrong answers or mistakes, ask yourself why you made them. Was it due to not reading the question carefully, rushing, or a lack of knowledge in grammar or vocabulary? Understanding the cause of your mistakes will help you know where to focus your valuable time during preparation.   


4. Understand the assessment criteria 

In addition to understanding your mistakes, you need to be clear about what the assessors are looking for. For writing and speaking, there are detailed level descriptors for each criterion, which help you understand how OET assessors grade you. 

Writing assessment criteria: Includes purpose, content, conciseness and clarity, genre and style, organisation and layout, and language. 

Master the Writing criteria with the OET Writing Guide. 

Speaking assessment criteria: Covers linguistic and clinical communication skills like intelligibility, fluency, and relationship building and information gathering.  

Use our guides to help you: 

OET Speaking Guide: Linguistic Criteria 

OET Speaking Guide: Clinical Communication Criteria 

Refer to the information pages for Listening and Reading to understand what is expected in those sections too. 


5. Improve your skills 

Once you have identified your weaknesses, focus on improving them. This doesn't mean taking practice test after practice test. While practice tests help you become familiar with the format, they won't be the same as the actual test questions. 

Instead, focus on building your language skills. Here are some resources and strategies: 

OET’s online courses: Learn the language, skills and strategies for each part of the test with our four online courses: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. Each course contains videos, activities and practice tasks to help you build your confidence for test day. 

Live Q&A sessions: Join the bi-monthly live Q&A sessions to ask an OET expert your preparation questions. 

Study with a teacher: Enrol in a preparation course with one of our preparation partners. These expert teachers can make a significant difference in your language level and increase your chances of success on test day. If there isn’t a course provider near you, choose one offering online courses. 

Self-study: Utilise the materials available on the OET website. These resources are regularly updated with tips, language articles, and blog posts. Consider purchasing preparation materials from the OET store, including practice test books and guides. 


6. Book when you’re ready 

Don't rush into applying for the test until you are confident in your language skills. While you may be eager to start your new life, it's better to be cautious now. Proper preparation can help you achieve the results you want without needing to resit the test or repeat your study. This careful approach will pay off in the long run. 

With these comprehensive steps, you can prepare effectively for the OET Test and increase your chances of success. Remember, thorough preparation and understanding of the test format and assessment criteria are key to achieving the scores you need. Good luck! 


For more detailed information and resources on studying for the OET Test, visit our study tips and inspiration page.