Let's prepare for OET Listening
All you need to know about the OET Listening sub-test

OET Listening, at a glance

Approximately 40 minutes
Approximately 40 minutes
Three parts in the sub-test
Three parts in the sub-test
42 questions to answer in total
42 questions to answer in total

Sample tests: OET Test on Paper

Helpful tips

Working through free sample tests is a great way to prepare - all without the pressure of test day! Try these sample tests alongside other OET Ready materials such as our Official OET Masterclasses.

Sample tests: OET Test on Computer or OET@Home

Helpful tips

Listening Parts B and C: Some questions will look a little different from before for Listening Parts B and C. Only one question will be displayed on a page at a time. This means that you will need to click to move to the next question. In Listening Part C, navigate by clicking on the tabs on the left.

Audio display on screen: For Listening Part C, the audio will appear on the left and the questions on the right. If this does not happen automatically, reduce your page zoom so that the audio and question displays.  

Working through free sample tests is a great way to prepare - all without the pressure of test day! Try these sample tests alongside other OET Ready materials such as our Official OET Masterclasses.

Note: Your answers will not be recorded in this sample test. Make sure to record your answers while taking the test and check them later with the answer key.

Looking for more? Enrol in our OET Listening Course
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