...BlogsMaster the OET Test with memory recall techniques
Master the OET Test with memory recall techniques



Study better with this tip from the OET experts 

Preparing for the OET Test can be daunting, but effective study techniques can make a significant difference. One such technique is using your memory to enhance retention and understanding. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use this method to optimise your study sessions for test day. 

Memory recall: the key to retention 

Instead of starting each study session with a new topic, begin by revisiting what you studied in your previous session. Spend 5-10 minutes recalling and writing down what you remember. This technique helps transfer information from your short-term to long-term memory, making it easier to retain and apply in the future. 

Why memory recall works 

Humans need to encounter information multiple times before it is stored in long-term memory. Research suggests that reading or practising something five times significantly increases the chances of retention. By revisiting past materials regularly, you reinforce the learning and improve recall during the actual test. 

Another factor is ‘the forgetting curve’, which illustrates how quickly we forget new information if it isn't reinforced. According to this theory, we lose about 50% of what we've learned within an hour, and up to 70% within 24 hours. Regularly revisiting and recalling information helps combat this natural decline, ensuring that knowledge is retained and easily accessible when needed. 


Implementing memory recall in your study routine 

Start with a quick recap: Begin your study session with a blank piece of paper or document. Spend 5-10 minutes jotting down everything you remember from the previous session. This could include key facts, strategies, grammar points, or specific content related to the test. 

Review and correct: After noting down what you remember, compare it with your notes or study materials from the previous session. This allows you to identify any gaps in your memory and correct any inaccuracies. 

Reinforce learning: Revisiting previous content helps reinforce learning. For example, if you studied a particular grammar point, practising it repeatedly in different contexts ensures you can use it correctly in the test. 

Build connections: Connecting new information with what you already know enhances understanding. When you recall previous study materials, try to link them with new topics. This integration helps in creating a cohesive knowledge base. 

Consistent practice: Consistency is key. Make memory recall a regular part of your study routine. Each day, start with a brief review of the previous session before moving on to new content. 


Example study session using memory recall 


Day 1: Focus on reading sub-test activities 

  • Read a passage from an OET practice test. 
  • Summarise the main points of the passage in your own words. 
  • Answer the practice questions related to the passage. 
  • Highlight and look up any unfamiliar vocabulary. 


Day 2: Recall and review 

  • Begin the session by recalling everything you studied about the reading passage on Day 1. 
  • Write down the main points and vocabulary words from memory. 
  • Review the passage and your notes to fill in any gaps or correct mistakes. 
  • Revisit the practice questions and check your answers. 


Day 3: Introduce new content and connect 

  • Start by recalling the main points and vocabulary from Day 1’s passage. 
  • Read a new passage, again highlighting and looking up any unfamiliar words. 
  • Summarise the new passage and compare it with the first one, noting any common themes or vocabulary. 
  • Do the practice questions for the new passage. 


Day 4: Consolidate and practice 

  • Recall the main points and vocabulary from both passages studied earlier in the week. 
  • Read a third passage, highlighting and looking up new vocabulary. 
  • Summarise the passage and review your summaries of all three passages. 
  • Take a full practice test that includes reading passages and questions, using the recall method to reinforce your understanding and retention. 


Benefits of Memory Recall 

  • Improved retention: Repeatedly recalling information helps transfer it to long-term memory, ensuring you remember it during the test. 
  • Better understanding: Regular review helps deepen understanding of the material. 
  • Increased confidence: Knowing you can recall and apply information boosts confidence. 
  • Effective time management: A structured recall routine ensures efficient use of study time. 


Additional tips for effective OET Test preparation 

Use a variety of study materials: 

  • Diversify your resources to include textbooks, online courses, practice tests, and interactive tools. This variety keeps your study sessions engaging and covers different aspects of the OET Test. Check out the OET store and access your study materials now. 

Join study groups: 

  • Collaborate with peers preparing for the OET Test. Group study sessions can provide new insights, shared resources, and mutual support. 

Practice under exam conditions: 

Simulate test conditions by timing your practice sessions and following test guidelines. This helps in managing time effectively and reducing test-day anxiety. 

Seek feedback: 

  • Regularly seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or study partners. Constructive feedback helps identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies. 

Stay consistent: 

  • Consistency is crucial. Create a study schedule that allocates specific times for each sub-test and stick to it. Regular, focused study sessions are more effective than irregular, intensive cramming. 


In conclusion, using your memory effectively can significantly enhance your preparation. Incorporate memory recall into your study routine to improve retention, deepen understanding, and boost confidence. For more study tips, visit our study tips and inspiration page.