......Study tips and inspirationHave you got an OET study schedule?
Have you got an OET study schedule?

Studying for OET is highly important. Failure to prepare properly can mean you won’t attain your preferred score. However, you also need to be realistic about how you pace yourself or risk burning out.


Know when to stop

While it’s important to take study seriously, you also need to set limits to your study routine. It can be tempting when preparing for an important step to overdo things.

You risk wearing yourself out before test day and losing confidence in yourself or even making yourself unwell. Stress can affect your immune system, leading to viral infections that can impact your chances of success.


Studying effectively

The best way to study effectively and to avoid stressful situations is to draw up a study plan. This is an organised schedule that breaks up your tasks into manageable times and goals.

Use a calendar to identify how many weeks you have left before your test date (you can do this on a device or use a paper calendar). Follow the tips below.


1. Add in other commitments

Study is important but you also need to consider work and other commitments you may have to family. Add these into your study calendar to make sure you manage it all effectively.


2. Be realistic

Look at what’s left in your week. Try to find at least one hour a day to study but make sure you are being realistic. You need to allow time for commuting, relaxing, eating and sleep. If you don’t give yourself enough time for these 4 things, you will increase your stress levels and make yourself unwell.


3. Make time for relaxing and sleep

I know, this is a repeat from above but it’s important. You will learn best if your brain gets a chance to relax and process your study. Plus, you can still practise English while you relax: watch a movie in English, speak to friends or family in English etc.


4. Feel good before the test

The night before test day, make sure you take some time for yourself, have a bath, do some yoga, get an early night. Do whatever feels good for you to make sure you wake up ready to go do your best in the test.


Learn more about studying and practising for OET by visiting our Learn page.