......Study tips and inspirationMastering skimming for OET Reading Part A: your ultimate guide
Mastering skimming for OET Reading Part A: your ultimate guide


Among the OET Test’s various sections, the Reading sub-test is one that many candidates find challenging. Part A of the Reading test is time-sensitive, requiring you to quickly locate specific information across four short texts (A, B, C, D) and answer 20 questions in 15 minutes. One effective strategy to tackle this section is skimming. In this blog post, we'll examine the skimming technique and see how it can help you ace the first section of questions in Reading Part A. 


Understanding Reading Part A 

Reading Part A is designed to assess your ability to quickly and accurately find information. It comprises three types of questions: 

  • Matching 
  • Gap fill (Sentence completion) 
  • Short answer 

The first set of questions always involves matching given information to the correct text (A, B, C, or D). This is where skimming becomes invaluable. 


What is skimming? 

Skimming is a reading technique that involves quickly moving your eyes over text to get an overview of the content. The goal is to grasp the main ideas and general structure without focusing on every word or detail. This technique relies on visual cues like headings, sub-headings, bullet points, and lists to identify where relevant information might be found. 


How to skim effectively 

Initial overview: Spend the first minute of the Reading Part A test quickly reading the titles, headings, sub-heading introductory sentences, bullet points and labels on visual information. of each text (A-D). This will give you a general understanding of the content and help you identify which text is most likely to contain the answers you need. 

Targeted searching: Once you have a basic understanding of each text, focus on the specific information required by the question. For example, if a question asks about a particular symptom or treatment, you know to look in the text that seems most relevant. 

Visual scanning: Use visual features to guide your search. Bullet points and lists often highlight key information, while headings and sub-headings can direct you to the relevant section of the text. 

Selective reading: After identifying the likely section, read the surrounding sentences more carefully to ensure you have the correct information. However, avoid reading the whole text – stay focused on finding the answer. 

Practical example 

Let’s consider a practical example to illustrate how skimming works in Reading Part A (from Sample Test 3): 

Question: In which text can you find information about ‘age-related considerations for initial treatment of burns injuries?’ 


Step-by-step skimming: 

  • Step 1: Quickly glance through the headings and sub-headings of all four texts to identify which one likely discusses age-related considerations for burns treatment. 
  • Step 2: Identify Text B has headings related to fluid resuscitation and different treatment protocols for adults and children.  
  • Step 3: Skim through Text B, paying attention to sections that mention initial treatment and specific differences based on age. 
  • Step 4: Confirm that Text B has the correct information. 


Tips for effective skimming 

Practise regularly: Like any skill, skimming improves with practise. Use practice tests to hone your ability to quickly identify key information. 

Stay calm: Time pressure can make skimming more challenging. Practise under timed conditions to build your confidence and reduce anxiety during the actual test. 

Trust your instincts: If a text looks like it’s not relevant, move on quickly. Trusting your initial assessment will save valuable time. 


Skimming is an essential skill for succeeding in OET Reading Part A. By mastering this technique, you can efficiently locate and match information, ensuring you complete the section within the allotted time. Remember to practise regularly, stay calm under pressure, and trust your instincts. With these strategies in place, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a high score on the OET Test. 

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