OET continues to support healthcare professionals through 2020 with the return of the OET Hero campaign.
OET Hero is a global campaign that provides free testing and support to healthcare professionals. Each Hero shares their journey via pictures, videos and other mediums.
Five healthcare professionals from around the world will become OET Heroes and receive a free OET test and free preparation support, including books, a preparation course with an official premium provider and one-on-one time with an expert trainer.
The 2019 OET Hero was based in India. But, due to overwhelming demand, we have made it global. The five OET Heroes will be able to share their journey with the world and inspire other healthcare professionals.
Last year’s Heroes Dr Ekta and Nurse Shinu were able to take OET and receive the results they needed to work overseas.
OET Hero Shinu is currently working as a nurse for the NHS in Wales, where she is working hard during COVID-19 outbreak.
Dr Ekta, our second OET Hero, is currently volunteering in India with a not-for-profit providing medical advice and triage services to the Indian public.