......Study tips and inspirationCan I write answers in CAPITAL LETTERS only?
Can I write answers in CAPITAL LETTERS only?

Candidates often ask if they can write their answers completely in capital letters (block capitals).

The answer is simple: yes, you can.

Some people are confused whether they can do this in the OET Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sub-tests. So, let's find out where and when you can.


Writing in all capital letters

You might be surprised but a lot of people write in block capitals. Some people find it easier to write in this way. Others prefer to read in all capitals because it’s clearer to them. Whatever the reason, you can use block capitals during OET.


Where can I use it?

You can use BLOCK CAPITALS in the following sections:

  • Reading Part A
  • Listening Part A
  • The Writing sub-test

If it is your preference to write in all capital letters, you can. However, you must be consistent. In other words, don’t switch between CAPITAL and lower-case letters.

For more information about OET, head over to our Preparation Information section. You will find test tips, guides, sample tests and more.