Verify OET Test results

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In most cases, when you’re unable to see OET test results in our results verification portal, it’s because the candidate has not yet given your organisation permission to view their results.
We encourage you to contact the candidate to add you as their verification institution in their OET account. Once this is successfully completed, you’ll instantly be able to see their results online.
We offer a free 30-minute online course in the OET Store that can help you learn how to verify OET Test results. Access the course here.
We provide access to the Online Results Verification Service to authorised personnel in organisations that recognise the OET Test. Access forms, user guides and training are provided to organisations upon recognition of our test. Apply to recognise the OET Test here.
An existing authorised manager of your organisation can submit this form to have more members of your organisation to request access.
Be sure to always use our secure results verification service to reliably validate candidates' OET Test results.