......Study tips and inspirationWhat to do before and on test day: OET Test on Paper (Part 2)
What to do before and on test day: OET Test on Paper (Part 2)

Welcome to the ultimate guide for your OET Test on Paper. In the first part of the guide, we showed you what to do before the OET Test. In this second part, you'll learn what to expect on the day of the OET Test.


On the day of the OET Test

Arriving at the venue 

Once you’re ready and have all your items packed, it’s time to make your way to the test venue. But before you leave home, be sure to look your best for the photo on the day, as it will appear on your results. 

When you arrive, you will be greeted by a member of the venue staff outside the test room, who will direct you to the cloakroom.  

Turn off your mobile and take off your watch, place them in your bag and deposit it along with your coat or jacket. Make sure you keep hold of your clear plastic stationery holder. 

This is also a good opportunity to stop by the bathroom. 


Registration and ID check 

After dropping off your phone and other restricted items, you will work your way through the OET Registration process. Firstly, you will need to present your original ID (the same document you used to book the OET Test). 

You will then have your photo taken by a member of the test venue staff. This photo appears on your OET Test results, so be ready for the camera. 

If there are any discrepancies between your ID and your OET account, you won’t be allowed to take the OET Test. 

Once the ID check is complete and you have had your photo taken, you will be directed to a waiting room where you will await the start of the test. This is a good time to go to the toilet as you cannot leave the room during the Listening test. 


Entering the test room 

Following the ID check, you will be asked to enter the test room at the appropriate time. You will be given a desk, so quickly find it and take a seat. 

Once everyone is sitting, the invigilator will then read out a set of instructions. Pay close attention as it has information important for the OET Test. We uphold the highest standards of fairness and integrity in our testing process, so it’s important to listen to and follow the rules and regulations. 

For each sub-test, venue staff will hand out test papers. Your test profession, test date and venue are already printed on the cover sheet. On the cover sheet, write your name in upper case letters, date of birth and candidate number while filling in numbered bubbles – but don't spend too much time on this. 

Be sure to check these details carefully with the desk label on your desk to make sure your information is correctly printed on the sheet, before reading and signing the Candidate Declaration, if everything is correct. 

Watch this video tutorial to help you correctly fill out the cover sheet:

If any details are wrong, you have the wrong question paper or the question paper is incomplete or badly printed, raise your hand and tell the invigilator. 

If you need help at any point, simply raise your hand. However, invigilators are not there to help you answer test questions. 


What order will the sub-tests come in? 

You will start with the Listening sub-test followed by Reading, Writing and Speaking, with a short break between the final two. 

However, sometimes the schedule will be different. If you’re taking OET in the Americas, for example, your Speaking sub-test will be before your Listening, Reading, and Writing sub-tests. 

So, it’s important to check the timetable in the email you received from your test venue. 


Sitting each sub-test in the OET Test

Sitting the Listening sub-test 

Once everyone fills in the cover sheet and signs the Candidate Declaration, the Venue staff will conduct a soundcheck. If you cannot hear the words in the soundcheck clearly, tell the invigilator and they will increase the volume and try again. 

The Listening sub-test will start following the completion of a successful soundcheck. It has three parts and a total of 42 question items based on general healthcare topics, which means they are accessible to all 12 professions. 

Running for around 40 minutes, the Listening sub-test includes time to listen to recorded conversations and answer questions. 

You can complete Listening Part A with either a pen or pencil. However, for Listening Part B and C, you will need to use the 2B pencil you brought with you. If you don’t have a 2B pencil, don’t worry — the test venue can provide you with a pencil. 

If you make a mistake or are unsure how to undertake this part, there are instructions on the front of the booklet. It's important that you follow the instructions carefully, you may lose marks if you have not entered your answers correctly. 

At the end of Part C, you have two minutes to check your answers to all parts of the sub-test including making changes to your answers. 

Once the allocated time is over, you will be asked to put your pens and pencils down, while the invigilators collect all the papers. 


Sitting the Reading sub-test 

Before the start of the Reading sub-test, Venue staff will read out a new set of instructions. Once again, listen carefully as you’ll hear key information about the sub-test. 

You will have 60 minutes to complete the Reading sub-test, which consists of three parts and has a total of 42 question items. The 60 minutes is split into 15 minutes for Part A and 45 minutes for Parts B and C. 

You will not be able to leave the room during Part A or in the first and last 10 minutes of Reading Parts B and C. If you need to go to the bathroom during Parts B and C, put up your hand and you will be escorted there and back by an invigilator. 

The sub-test will begin when all the Reading Part A papers are handed out. 

Remember, Reading Part A papers will be taken away before Part B and C are handed out. This means you won’t be able to go back to Part A once Parts B and C begin. 

Like the Listening sub-test before it, you can use either a pen or a pencil for Part A but for B and C, you will need to use your 2B pencil. If you need a 2B pencil, the invigilator can provide you with one. 


Sitting the Writing sub-test 

The Writing sub-test takes 45 minutes and is specific to your profession. Each of the 12 professions will have a unique writing task based on a typical workplace situation. 

The papers will be given out by test profession, while invigilators remind you that you cannot write anything during the first five minutes of the test. 

Once the Writing sub-test is underway, invigilators will also warn you when there are only 10 minutes left until the end and again when there are five minutes left. 

When the Writing sub-test ends, you will leave the test room. If your Speaking timeslot is later in the day, you will be able to collect your bag from the cloakroom and leave the test venue. 

This can be beneficial as it allows you to get a bite to eat, go to the toilet or just get some fresh air to clear your mind. 

However, if you do this, you’ll complete the ID check again before you can enter the waiting room. So, make sure you arrive at least 30 minutes before the Speaking sub-test. 


Taking the Speaking test 

When your Speaking timeslot arrives, you will be asked to enter the room. With the recording already started as you enter, the interlocutor will greet you and check your identity. You will be asked a few questions to help you relax, but don’t worry, these are not assessed. 

The Speaking sub-test is delivered individually, takes around 20 minutes and consists of two role plays. Each profession will have specifically designed materials that draw on real healthcare scenarios. 

At the start of each role play, you will be given a role player card. You will also be given three minutes to read the card, make notes and ask the interlocutor to clarify anything you don't understand. This includes the definition or pronunciation of words on the card but not about how you should complete the task. Each role play is five minutes long. 

It’s important to remember that the interlocutor does not assess you during the Speaking sub-test. Instead, a recording of your test is sent to an assessment team where it is assessed later. 

If you would like more information about the OET Test, check out the OET Test Regulations on oet.com.

We hope you have found this guide helpful, and we wish you all the best for test day!