
Wise up to frauds. Be aware of scams.

Here’s all you need to know to Protect Yourself.
OET takes scams seriously – and you should too.
At OET, we take the security and integrity of our test extremely seriously and have rigorous test security measures in place to detect fraud and suspicious activities. Yet, there are many people who seek to defraud and take advantage of healthcare professionals like you taking OET. Being alert and getting informed is the best way to protect yourself.
How to spot fraud & scams
Remember, these offers are scams and will result in wasted money. Don’t fall for these false promises. Scammers often:
Offer access to unauthorised examination materials, particularly ahead of test day, e.g. notes, study guides, mobile phones, during the test
Claim to have insider tips, tricks or exam materials from test venue employees, preparation providers or OET employees
Promote guaranteed test results, job offers and alternative routes to professional registration, that seem too good to be true
Request a payment from you in return for being able to alter test results, including certificates
How to spot fraud & scams
Remember, these offers are scams and will result in wasted money. Don’t fall for these false promises. Scammers often:
Offer access to unauthorised examination materials, particularly ahead of test day, e.g. notes, study guides, mobile phones, during the test
Claim to have insider tips, tricks or exam materials from test venue employees, preparation providers or OET employees
Claim to be database administrators who can upgrade scores on your OET Test from within our test centres
Promote guaranteed test results, job offers and alternative routes to professional registration, that seem too good to be true
How to spot fraud & scams

Here’s what happens when you report to OET

If you see something, say something. If you become aware of any suspicious activity, report it and we will investigate. Help us stop scams and fraud by reporting any suspicious activity.
You report the fraud or scam
You report the fraud or scam
If you believe you have witnessed, suspect or are aware of any fraud or scams, you can email us at test.security@oet.com.au or fill out the reporting form. Be sure to include any evidence you have, including screenshots, photos or links to online posts.
We'll investigate
We'll investigate
We’ll kick off an immediate investigation, and we may ask you for more information. OET will treat any information reported to us sensitively and confidentially, and respect requests to remain anonymous, unless we are legally obliged to report to authorities or regulators. OET recognises that you may be identifiable by others given the circumstances of the disclosure, so we will maintain the confidentiality of your identity.
We'll take action
We'll take action
OET will take action against people proven to be engaging in fraud or running scams around OET exam material and test results. Any candidates suspected of breaching OET test regulations may be subject to the following actions; withhold OET results, ban them from taking OET, notify organisations who accept OET results, and inform legal authorities as appropriate. Those trying to cheat will be caught.
What to do
If you see something, say something. If you become aware of any suspicious activity, report it and we will investigate. Help us stop scams and fraud by reporting any suspicious activity.
Don't risk your money, career and reputation.
Those trying to cheat will be caught.